Thursday, February 25, 2010


the whole of tonight was spent talking after dinner with a precious bro who's about to step into another chapter of his life. Much talk about God, His will, His power, His grace; seemingly unanswered prayers, hopeless, helpless situations; and the reconciliation of them both.

Natural optimist? or too much trust in God?

I find it hard to say anything but to trust that God's working for the good in your situation when I'm not in the middle of it myself. Yet oftentimes we are called to be that listening ear, and that encouraging voice that says "YES. the Father IS right there with you.", even though it might seem like these words are laced with ignorance. It's true. I guess that's living by faith. Faith that all these things happen for a reason. That somehow the turn of events work to edify you the believer who chooses to hold on to the very heart of God, the core of Himself that says "Yes, I want to bless you, I want to love you, I want to make all your crooked places straight."

What reason is there to live, if not for Him? He is the only treasure I have. He is the only reason worth living for. And He is God of the Breakthrough. Your breakthrough.

1 comment:

jer said...

esteeeeee u ok?