Monday, October 26, 2009


and there it was again. wow what confirmation on Sunday, after a great time spent in the word on Saturday.

Abraham believed God--and he became the father of many nations.
Smith Wigglesworth believed God--and he raised more than 14 people from the dead.
The Roman Centurion believed God--that God's spoken word was enough for his servant.
Simon Peter believed God--and he caught fish.

haha! it just blew my mind away! becos God can do anything! and He will do everything GOOD! Rev Col Stringer also spoke about the awakening that he feels we're on the brink of--i can't wait. God is so gracious though, to not impose His views on those who choose not to believe He can do things that are out of this world--i need to be like that. He gave us free choice. and i really should honor that, too. : )

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