Sunday, August 02, 2009

dry bones.

today, i want to talk about the dry bone army that God's breathing into-(see July 4, 2009).

Kris vallotton spoke briefly on the dry bones: "we're not called to give a commentary on how dry the bones are, and what they used to be"
and that "we're called to call those things that are not as though they are, and have out of the dry bones, a mighty army"-The Tipping Point Part 2, July 14, 2009

Pastor today set the congregation free to boldly pray for people who have needs, calling us "the army of God".-August 2,2009

and i reviewed the tweets for today and found this:
"@MatthewBarnettGood night folks. Ready for a rather powerful and emotional service tomorrow. God is going to bring life to dry bones."-August 2,2009

tell me there's nothing insignificant about this dry bone army... :D

exciting times.

what are You up to? :)


Anonymous said...

AMEN :) God is bringing things to pass according to His plan and Word!

The bones came together each bone to his bone (each bone went to its proper place that was designated from the beginning) and flesh came upon them (God caused flesh to come upon us that we can be the righteousness of God) but there was still no breath in these bones, so God told Ezekiel to prophesy not to the bones this time but to the wind. When this was done breath entered into the bones that now have flesh (Holy Spirit). Once the breath entered in they stood up on their feet as a mighty army! :)

jem said...

Listen, then obey. =)

shaowei said...

hehehz, i thought of this when i was watching "The Fifth Element", when they were recreating LeeLoo bones, flesh and skin and then life. literally sends chills down your spine when you realize how fearfully and wonderfully made we are.